A Conversation with Caldwell Insurance: The State of Fire Insurance in Tuolumne County

Hello again, my friends. Welcome to the show. Thank you for joining us on the conversation. I’m Ryan Campbell. I’m here joined by my friend Justin Myers. Justin, you’re the owner of Caldwell Insurance in Tuolumne County, and we had a lengthy discussion at the Board of Supervisors meeting last week about the state of fire insurance in Tuolumne County and what’s going on here. And you agreed to come and talk a little more in-depth about it, and I really appreciate it. Welcome.

Thanks, Ryan. Glad to be here and, hopefully, today we’ll be able to answer some of your questions and shed some more insight into this challenging and crazy market that we’re all trying to navigate.

It is a crazy market. Can you explain what is crazy about it? What is going on? Why is it so difficult for people to keep and maintain and acquire insurance, just kind of for somebody that’s not familiar? How would you describe the homeowner’s insurance situation in Tuolumne County?

We’re at that point where we’re at an insurance crisis here in Tuolumne County, locally. The states starting to feel it. That’s more of a recent trend that’s happened. Prior to the Rim fire in California having these historical large fires. The property insurance rate, the rates that we were paying in Tuolumne County here locally, if you’re living in the same protection class in Tuolumne County as, let’s say, the city of Modesto, the rates were the exact same. Since that time, that’s changed.

Okay. And that’s because we’re perceived to have a lot more risk. It’s not that there has been a destructive fire in Tuolumne County that’s destroyed many homes. It’s that there’s a possibility of it. Is that what the insurance industry is looking at?

100%. Right. An insurance company, it’s based on actuarial and risk.

We’d be happy to review your insurance coverage options with you! Give us a call at (209) 532-5102 or visit https://caldwell-insurance.com.


At Caldwell Insurance Services, we consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to be part of an amazing community that takes care of each other. ❤️
That is why we recently dedicated an entire day to thanking YOU, our loyal customers, and friends. Our annual Flag Day Community Appreciation Event was an absolute delight, as we had a BLAST! Thank you to everyone who came by for snow cones and hot dogs… and to dunk some of our incredible team members in the dunk tank! ??
What’s more, we used this opportunity to raise money and awareness for the Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue. Everyone also had the chance to bring an old-tattered flag to exchange for a bright, shiny NEW one for free! ??
As a result, we exchanged almost 90 flags for new ones and raised $3,400 for the Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue! The funds raised will help provide resources to keep members of our community safe!
We are honored to be able to make a real change in the lives of our neighbors through the outstanding contributions made by organizations that share our mission.❤️ Thank you for believing in us and assisting us in our efforts to make a difference.

So, What Is A Flood?

A common theme we see in claims from customers is a misunderstanding of what a qualifying flood event is. We understand the confusion; when a customer sees water, they probably think, “FLOOD!” right away. A key difference is where that water is coming from. Generally speaking, a qualifying flood event is what we call “ground up” rising water.

Here are some events that typically fall into either homeowners or flood policy:

Event Which Policy?
Pipe bursts Homeowners
Storm surge pushes water into your home Flood
Toilet overflows Homeowners
Flash flood washes out your foundation Flood
Hot water heater leaks Homeowners
River overflows into your home Flood


Can Homeowners Insurance Cover Water Damage? – Sonora CA

Good morning everyone. I hope you’re enjoying the beautiful sunshine we’ve had the last few days. I know we have, I’ll call it, suffered, in California through a lot of rain and snow, which we desperately need, I know. But I wanted to just talk about insurance coverage for excess water and flood. We’ve had a lot of claims coming in because of the water. There’s just so much water. But I wanted to let everyone know that those claims in general are not covered. We have a specialized policy for flood insurance that is not covered on a normal homeowner’s policy. You have to buy a specific policy to cover excess water, which is called a flood policy, and it’s run by the National Flood through the federal government.
If you have any more questions about flood insurance in particular, please give our office a call. It does have a 30-day waiting period to get a flood policy, so you can’t wait until we get more rain, unfortunately, to look into a policy like that. So give us a call if you have had problems with that so we can make sure that you’re completely covered. Thanks, and have a great day.

Call Caldwell Insurance Services in Sonora CA at (209) 532-5102

We wish you Happy Holidays and a Great New Year! – Sonora CA

Hi, it’s Justin-

Candace Myers And Candace Myers.

Justin Myers
From Caldwell Insurance. As we end 2022 and Christmas and New Year’s being right around the corner, we just wanted to take this short time and share a message of thanks and wish all our clients and friends and family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are very thankful for being able to provide the insurance services and expertise that you depend on us and our team for on a regular basis. And with that being said-

Candace Myers

Call Caldwell Insurance Services in Sonora CA at (209) 532-5102

9th Annual Luc’s Run | May 14th


10K, 2 Miles, and Kids run on May 14th, 2022

To honor Luc’s memory and legacy, we should all “Live Like Luc”.

Luc was a kind-hearted, ambitious, helpful, adventurous, loving, and dedicated husband, friend, son, brother, pilot, and soon-to-be father. He gave 100% in every aspect of life.

What better way to remember him than to get out there and do the same. Do something kind for others, help someone in need, tell your wife every day that you love her, call that friend you keep meaning to call, etc. Learn a new skill, take a climbing class, pick up photography, learn to kayak, take a hike, plan a trip to somewhere you’ve never been, go scuba diving, go on a run, go sky diving, get outdoors and enjoy nature.

Live life to the fullest, give of yourself to others and his memory will live on in each of us forever!!
Live like Luc!!!

Run For Luc’s Scholarships
All proceeds from this race go to the Major Lucas Gruenther Legacy Foundation, an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The purpose of the Major Lucas Gruenther Legacy Foundation is to bestow scholarships to Americans for the advancement of educational goals and self-development.

Check them out for more info:


Official Website





An Intro To Caldwell Insurance Services – Sonora CA

At Caldwell Insurance Services, we believe you deserve top quality service… Period. That’s why we’re committed to giving you the best of us. We’ll always make sure you have the right coverage, the right discounts, and can take comfort in knowing the things that matter most to you are protected. We also believe in giving back! As Agents of Change in our community, we’re dedicated to helping others live well and thrive!

Call Caldwell Insurance Services in Sonora CA at (209) 532-5102